Headshot photography in studio and on location throughout Central Texas.
Whether you’re a doctor, lawyer, musician, or an entrepreneur we can work together to dial into your exact headshot needs. There are a wide array of options ranging from traditional business headshots and group portraits, environmental portraits on location to powerful CEO portraits. By creating an enjoyable and relaxed environment I make the headshot process seamless from start to finish.

Shoot featured in the Financial Times.

Taken at Tri Delta National Convention

Taken during RTIME Conference in Austin, Texas.

Taken for Young Texans Against Cancer for their annual powderpuff football game.

Taken for two contractors at their first project.

Taken for business profile in Texas Monthly Magazine

Taken for business profile in Texas Monthly Magazine

Taken for business profile in Texas Monthly Magazine

Shoot featured in the Financial Times

Two Page Spread taken for a business profile in Texas Monthly Magazine.

Taken for business profile in Texas Monthly Magazine.